Dropdown List Handling

Redirect to Another Page when Dropdown Field Changes

This example shows how to redirect to another page when dropdown field changes. If a user selects the dropdown list, the web application can redirect the user to a specific web page.
Record Control
Select record control class in which the dropdown list control is present
Dropdown List Control
Select the dropdown list control
Applies to
RecordControl class

/// Add a new event handler for the Load Event  
public ${Record Control}()
    // The following line will be inserted inside the
    // constructor for page class.    
    this.Load += new System.EventHandler(${Record Control}_Load);

/// Overrides SelectedIndexChanged event to redirect to another page.
protected override void ${Dropdown List Control}_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs args)
    // retrieve the selected value of dropdown list control.
    string selectedValue = this.${Dropdown List Control}.SelectedItem.Text;

    // Add custom code to check for the value. Here is an example of a switch statement for multiple 
    // redirects when certain values are selected for the dropdown list.
      switch (selectedValue) { 
        // Here replace value1, value2 with actual values
        case "value1": 
        case "value2": 


/// This method sets up a event handler for a selected index changed event.
private void ${Record Control}_Load(object sender , System.EventArgs e)
    this.${Dropdown List Control}.AutoPostBack = true;
    this.${Dropdown List Control}.SelectedIndexChanged += new System.EventHandler(${Dropdown List Control}_SelectedIndexChanged);

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